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                            [name] => Luxury Faux Fur & Velboa Animal Fluffy Scatter Cushion Cover Case fits 18" x 18"
                            [slug] => luxury-faux-fur-velboa-animal-fluffy-scatter-cushion-cover-case-fits-18-x-18-copy-copy-copy-copy-copy-copy
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Animal Faux Fur Fluffy Cushion Cover

Fits an 18" x 18" Cushion

 Please select your design from the drop down menu.

Hand Made uk

It's very fluffy, warm & comfortable

Looks great on your sofa or scatter cushion on your bed.

Package includes

1 x Cushion Cover

(Fluffy on one side, black cotton fabric on the reverse

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=> YITH_WCWL_Wishlist_Data_Store [wishlist-item] => YITH_WCWL_Wishlist_Item_Data_Store ) [current_class_name:WC_Data_Store:private] => WC_Product_Data_Store_CPT [object_type:WC_Data_Store:private] => product-simple ) [cache_group:protected] => products [meta_data:protected] => [legacy_datastore_props:protected] => Array ( ) [post_type:protected] => product [supports:protected] => Array ( [0] => ajax_add_to_cart ) ) ) [975b945476c62a52143aa94c5001c66f] => Array ( [key] => 975b945476c62a52143aa94c5001c66f [product_id] => 84461 [variation_id] => 0 [variation] => Array ( ) [quantity] => 1 [data] => WC_Product_Simple Object ( [id:protected] => 84461 [data:protected] => Array ( [name] => Cushions Covers Velvet Crushed or filled cushions Glitter stripe SILVER GREY [slug] => cushions-covers-velvet-crushed-or-filled-cushions-glitter-stripe-silver-grey-2 [date_created] => WC_DateTime Object ( [utc_offset:protected] => 0 [date] => 2023-11-09 09:16:55.000000 [timezone_type] => 1 [timezone] => 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Cushions or cushion cover in gorgeous Sparkle glitter stripe lace  
modern and stylish
Featuring contemporary glitter lace on a contrasting velvet background this designer 
cushion is both luxurious and contemporary.
The price is for 1 
Available in various colours
The glittery lace is not printed its sewn onto the fabric which
makes them look very elegant and expensive.
and  gives out great sparkle and bling effect 
backing is plain and same material as front.
Available  covers only 
zipped and machine washable.
[short_description] =>
Usually shipped within 24 hours Mon-Fri ,Cut off time 2pm , subject to availability.
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